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Navigating Wisdom Tooth Removal: What to Expect and When to Consider It

Written By Dental Center of Scottsdale on March 22, 2024

a boy with a toothache

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in the late teens or early twenties. These molars, located at the back of the mouth, can cause various dental issues, leading to the need for wisdom tooth removal. Understanding what wisdom teeth are, who should consider removal, and the factors influencing this decision can help individuals make informed choices about their oral health. Our team at Dental Center of Scottsdale in Scottsdale, AZ, are here to guide you through this oral surgery procedure.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that emerge in the farthest corners of the mouth. While they served a purpose in our ancestors for grinding tough plant tissue, modern diets and improved dental care have rendered them somewhat obsolete. In many cases, these molars don't have sufficient space to emerge properly, leading to complications.

Is Removing All 4 Wisdom Teeth Necessary?

Not everyone needs to get their wisdom teeth removed. Some individuals may have adequate space in their jaws, and their wisdom teeth may emerge without causing any issues. However, for many others, wisdom teeth can become impacted, meaning they do not fully emerge, causing pain, swelling, tooth crowding, and potential damage to surrounding teeth. The decision to remove wisdom teeth depends on various factors, including the size of the jaw, the angle at which the teeth are emerging, and the potential for complications. Individuals experiencing wisdom tooth pain, swelling, or difficulty cleaning their wisdom teeth should consult with our dentist, Dr. Jonathan Kalika, right away. 

Why You Should Consider Wisdom Tooth Removal

While not everyone requires wisdom tooth removal, for those who do, it can be a wise decision. Leaving impacted or problematic wisdom teeth untreated can lead to a range of issues, including infection, damage to neighboring teeth, and the development of cysts or tumors. Proactive removal can prevent these complications and contribute to overall oral health. The timing for considering wisdom tooth removal varies from person to person. In many cases, Dr. Kalika monitors the development of wisdom teeth during regular check-ups and may recommend removal before issues arise. 

Contact Dental Center of Scottsdale for Your Wisdom Tooth Removal

Oral surgery for wisdom tooth removal is a routine procedure, often performed under anesthesia to ensure comfort. The recovery period is generally a few days, during which individuals may experience mild swelling and discomfort. Following post-operative care instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery. Dr. Kalika is here to help you through this process.  Contact our office to schedule your appointment.

Posted In: Wisdom Tooth Removal